The utilization of fillers has become more sophisticated and will continue to do so over time.
Two areas that you may not be aware of that we can use fillers to rejuvenate are the back of the hands and the ear lobes. Over time volume loss in these areas takes its toll. In the back of the hands veins and bones become more prominent and we lose a certain softness in the hand that is more associated with youth. In the ear lobes they get lose, flat, and saggy and earrings roll forward or hang lower.
While filler in the ears is an “off label” procedure Restylane Lyft has been FDA approved for use to restore volume in the hands. There is minimal pain and down time with both of these procedures. Ear lobe restoration takes mere minutes and besides having some minor swelling and minor tenderness for a few days that’s pretty much the extent of it and the same can be said for treating the hands. The results should last approx 12 months with some individual variances.
Depending on the severity of the volume loss in the hands you can expect to need approx 1 syringe per hand and for ear lobes approximately 1/2 syringe for both sides. Here are some examples of typical results that you can expect from this type of treatment.